
In the realm of server administration, the ability to create and manage text files is a fundamental skill. Whether you’re configuring system settings, writing scripts, or documenting processes, understanding how to work with text files is crucial. In this blog post, we’ll explore the essential steps to create and view text files on an Ubuntu Server.

Creating a Text File:

Step 1: Open a Terminal

Begin by accessing your Ubuntu Server and opening a terminal. This is your gateway to the powerful command-line interface.

Step 2: Choose a Text Editor

Select a text editor to create your file. Options include `nano`, `vim`, and `gedit`. For instance, using `nano`:

nano filename.txt

nano create new file screenshot

Step 3: Input Your Text

The text editor opens, allowing you to input and edit text. Write your content or configuration settings.

text input in the new text file

Step 4: Save and Exit

To save your changes, press `Ctrl + O`, then press Enter. To exit, press `Ctrl + X`. Your text file is now created.

save the text file

Viewing a Text File:

Option 1: Using `cat`

To quickly view the content of your text file, use the `cat` command:

cat filename.txt

cat command to view the text file

Option 2: Using `less`

For a more interactive viewing experience, consider using `less`:

less filename.txt

less command to view the text file

Navigate using arrow keys, and press `q` to exit.

Option 3: Using `gedit`

For a graphical text editor, employ `gedit`:

gedit filename.txt

This opens the file in a graphical interface.


Mastering text file operations on Ubuntu Server is a fundamental skill for system administrators and developers alike. Whether you’re configuring system settings, writing scripts, or documenting processes, these simple yet powerful commands will serve you well. With the ability to effortlessly create and view text files, you’ll be better equipped to handle various tasks efficiently in a server environment. Happy coding!


Creating and Viewing Text Files on Ubuntu Server (F.A.Q)

How do I create a text file on Ubuntu Server?

To create a text file on Ubuntu Server, open a terminal and use a text editor like nano. For example:

nano filename.txt

This will open the editor, allowing you to input text. Save your changes with Ctrl + O and exit with Ctrl + X.

What command can I use to view the content of a text file?

To view the content of a text file, you can use the cat command. For example:

cat filename.txt

Alternatively, you can use less for a more interactive experience:

less filename.txt
Can I use a graphical text editor to view files on Ubuntu Server?

Yes, you can use a graphical text editor like gedit. Simply run:

gedit filename.txt

This opens the file in a graphical interface, providing a user-friendly way to view and edit the text.

How do I exit the text editor without saving changes?

If you’re in a text editor like nano and want to exit without saving changes, press Ctrl + X and choose not to save when prompted. In the less command, you can simply press q to exit without saving changes.